Welcome to ArchSEO! Today, we’ll be going through a case study about local Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) through the use of:
- Web 2.0s
- Social Web 2.0s
- Social Signals
- ArchSEO Network Links
This case study also shows that I use the ArchSEO Links for my local client sites, as I have previously claimed on my website.
Introduction of Case Study
Client X is looking to build a new corporate website as well as SEO. They paid $1,000 for a simple WordPress Website build, and they are only willing to spend $500/month for SEO.
The client’s niche is about ‘Cars’. We performed research on their competitors targeting the local automobile market. We found that the competition was low, however with some decent traffic. This means that the keyword competition is between easy to medium difficulty. As we are confident that we can achieve the client’s ranking goals, we took on this project.
Considering that each sale is worth between $60 to $200 for the client, it will take them an average of 3-5 sales a month to break even with their SEO efforts. Initially, they had 3 main keywords that they wanted to rank for, but later on decided they also wanted to rank for another 6 additional keywords; the “City + Main Keyword” and “Main Keyword + City”.
For example:
Dog Training (Main Keyword)
Dog training Dallas (Main Keyword + City)
Dallas Dog Traning (City + Main Keyword)
We were definitely going to be using these variations as partial match anchors for our links when ranking the main keywords, and we were already planning on adding them as bonus keywords for our client. As we were already confident in ranking the first 3 keywords for the client, we agreed to their new request without much consideration.
Here is the breakdown of our weekly process on how we ranked them:
Ranking Strategy for Client X
- September: Completed the website, allowing for the content and site to sit in Google’s Index and Sandbox.
- 06 OCT – 12 OCT: Added 5 Relentless Network Links (Main KW)
- 13 OCT – 19 OCT: Created a Fanpage linking back, and added 1000 likes + Social Signals (TW, G+, FB)
- 20 OCT – 26 OCT: Added 6 Relentless Network Links (Main KW + Variations)
- 27 OCT – 02 NOV: Added 50 Web 2.0s (Branded)
- 03 NOV – 09 NOV: Added 6 Relentless Network Links (Main KW + Variations) + Social Signals
- 10 NOV – 16 NOV: Added 50 Social Web 2.0s (Branded)
- 17 NOV – 23 NOV: Added 5 Relentless Network Links (Main KW + Variations)
- 24 NOV – 30 NOV: Social Signals Only
- 01 DEC – 07 DEC: Added 6 Relentless Network Links (Main KW + Variations)
- 08 DEC – 14 DEC: Added 50 Social Web 2.0s
- 15 DEC – 21 DEC: Added 6 Guest Posts + Social Signals (Branded)
The results (Last Checked on 30 DEC 2014)
*Refer Below For Updated Results
- For the ranking graph, in the beginning we had not added in all the additional keywords the client requested, and only the main keywords. The variations were added later on.
- The links used are from my ‘Relentless Network’. I have personally used these links for my clients, but they are also for sale to you for only a one-time fee. Alternatively, you can replace these links from other sources or use other PBN links.
Is This a Newly Launched Website?
Yes, this website was first registered in August 2014, and was officially launched in September 2014.
Is Adding 50-100 Web 2.0s Too Much For A New Website?
No. Not all of them will stick, and not all of them will get indexed.
Do You Submit These Web2.0s to An Indexer?
Yes, we do it with a drip-feed over 21 days.
What Do You Do After Achieving Your Rankings?
We will maintain the link velocity and slowly add on more links. Since we have already obtained the highest rankings for our client’s website, we will add new links once or twice a week.
What Kind of Social Signals Do You Use?
We mainly use LinkedIn, Pinterest, Facebook Twitter and Google+ for our social signals.
What Are These Networks?
These are our PBN networks that we use for our own clients, as well as offering these links for sale at an incredibly affordable price, at only a once-off link placement fee.
What Are The Stats Of Your PBN Sites?
On average, they are PR 2+, DA 20+, PA 20+, DR 30+, TF 20+, CF 20+
Hit the comment button below if you have any questions, and I’ll respond back to you as soon as I can!
Case Study Update (As at Jan 2015)
One year ago, we posted this case study and shared with my readers in the SEO industry. Up until today, we have not done anything at all, and yet the rankings of this site have maintained. We are still receiving monthly payments from this happy client. I remember back then when many people were expressing their thoughts on this case study; the negative ones were saying that “these rankings would not last”, “too many links in such a short time”, and “Social signals do not work”.
I do not intend to debate if they are right or wrong. My point here is that – SEO is all about testing. We can go through many marketing courses and read many case studies but if we never take any action or perform any of our own testing, we will never know what works. Now, take a leap of faith and start working on your website. Sooner or later, you will discover your own ranking methods and formulate a strategy for you.
Ranking Update (As at Feb 2015)
Ranking Update (As at July 2015) – The Site Still Ranks
P.S It’s look funny and weird, because proranktracker changed interface recently. But you should able to see that the ranking remain unchange over the past months.
Latest update (Nov 2015) – Our client stopped paying me and went MIA. We decided to pull out all the links from our network. Let me post updated rankings.
Ranking Update (From the Start to Nov 2015) – We didn’t do anything since December 2014
There are two possibilities as to what could happen next: Either my links are so strong that the rankings will never tank due to link echo, or the rankings will drop. We are hoping for the latter, as this would give me more control over the rankings. Otherwise, if link echo really occurs, my client would have only paid me for 3 months and obtained a permanent ranking.